New Zealand - Malta - Italy

Category: H – Uncategorised


I am a marine scientist with 10+ years professional multidisciplinary experience in research, consultancy, and commercial projects in central government, academic sectors, and private companies. I am a particularly fond on any research based on cutting-edge technology and modelling, and their application to biology and ecology, from GIS and drones to 3D modelling and programming,…
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BSc in Biological Sciences and MSc in Marine Biology

Eco Divers

Eco Divers – Centre of Underwater Scientific Activities


  My PhD was focused on Habitat Cascades, an unidirectional sequence of positive interactions where a species provides habitat for another species, which in turn provide habitat for another species… and so on. Jointly with the direct interactions occurring (species A – species B, and species B – species C), indirect interactions are also involved…
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Department of Conservation

Senior Fishery Ranger in the Taupo Fishery team


Conferences, papers, and video-photo competitions


Some of the best shot, above and below the water surface …

Sealife atlas

If you note some errors or you want me to publish your pictures please write me.     The systematics reported in this atlas is represented by the following system of buttons, font size and style: KINGDOM PHYLUM SUBPHYLUM CLASS SUBCLASS INFRACLASS Superorder Order Family Genus species   Seaweeds Seagrasses Phylum Porifera Phylum Cnidaria Phylum Ctenophora…
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Cookies Policy

USE OF COOKIES The “Site” ( uses cookies to make its own services simple and efficient for those users willing to visit pages. Users viewing this site will fill the minimal amounts of information in their own devices, which are computers and mobile devices, in small text files called “cookies” that are stored in the directories used…
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